Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 1 Case study

Module 1 Case study

Q Ch. 5, pg 86 – Trauma M.H age 6 fell while running down stairs and hurt his wrist and elbow. His arm was scraped and bleeding slightly and the elbow became red, swollen and painful. Normal movement was possible, although painful. 1. Explain why the elbow is red and swollen . 2. Suggest several reasons why movement is painful. 3. State 2 reasons why healing may be slow in the scraped area on the arm, and identify 2 factors that encourage healing in this boy.

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1. The elbow is red and swollen due to the trauma caused to it . A hard blow to the elbow causes the bursa to swell and causes inflammation. Swelling is caused due to the increased movement of fluid and white blood cells into the injured area. The release of chemicals by the white blood cells enter the blood to protect the body from further infection. Redness is caused due to the increased supply of blood in that particular area of the elbow.